Heart Chakra
Welcome to Week 4, marking our journey's halfway point in the program. This week is dedicated to the Heart Chakra, which bridges the higher and lower realms, bridging the physical and non-physical dimensions. It's the key to opening our hearts to unconditional love, but often it's hindered by grief.
This week, we will focus on accepting our past, integrating the lessons we've discovered about ourselves, and embarking on self-acceptance and forgiveness. This is a significant step in our transformation journey, and we're excited to explore it together.

Step 1
The Law Of Acceptance
Heart Chakra
Step 4
Book your one-to-one
Please use the booking system below to book your weekly one-on-one. All one-on-ones are carried out on Wednesday or Thursday. Should you require your session outside of these days, please message us.
Step 5
How to ACCEPT, GRIEF & TRUST ourselves
& others
Complete the video above and take notes on what you have learned.
Step 6
Heart Chakra Reiki Meditation
Complete this Reiki Healing practice with headphones.