As we head into December and HOST begins to wind down after an incredible year, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the magic that has flowed into our lives and the amazing people who have been part of what we’re building at HOST. To say it’s been a busy year would be an understatement. Over the past six months, I’ve struggled to connect with the things I love most, including writing, as my attention has been needed elsewhere. But there’s no need to dwell on that now—let’s recap the highlights of 2024.
We kicked off the year with a bang by relaunching our biggest program to date. Twelve brave souls joined us on a journey of self-discovery and deep transformation. For those familiar with our platform, you know this work isn’t easy. In fact, it’s some of the deepest, most challenging work we’ll ever do. Shadow work takes us into the depths of our wounds but also unveils the brightest aspects of who we are. By exploring both the light and dark sides of ourselves, we bring hidden parts of our being into awareness.
Shadow work—working with the hidden or darker aspects of ourselves—confronts the pain of our subconscious and past. This is precisely why we see so many life-changing stories emerge from this work. Through shadow work, we grow in awareness, and with awareness, we cultivate compassion, empathy, and understanding. Ultimately, this is what transforms our internal reality for the better.
What I love most about my work is the deep connections I build with the people I work with. The relationships I form with clients often evolve into friendships, and eventually, they feel almost like family. Connection is the foundation of profound healing, and being able to hold space for someone during their healing journey is one of the most incredible feelings and experiences. Many of us have been starved of this kind of connection, carrying deep scars that leave us feeling isolated. However, healing in the presence of others changes how we show up and relate to the world.
Holding space for others—witnessing them not only in their moments of agony as they welcome back the parts of themselves in pain but also as they emerge more whole—is breathtaking. This transformative process is why we developed a space within our platform for training and development. It allows us to pass on the incredible gift of healing and self-awareness to others.
After the relaunch, my beautiful wife, some of our team, and I traveled to Dubai for our first business event. It was during that trip that we realized 2024 was going to be an extraordinary year. For the first time, we saw HOST growing into something truly special. HOST became more than just a name or business; it felt like a living, energetic vibration with its own will and consciousness.
The truth is, although we channeled and brought HOST into being, much like birthing a child, it has its own path. Our role, as my wife and I came to understand, is to facilitate its growth. We’ve never known exactly where it’s taking us, and even now, its direction remains a mystery. But as 2023 drew to a close, it became clear that HOST wasn’t just a space for healing. It was evolving into a space for training—a place where people could not only access healing but also uncover their gifts and receive training as coaches to pass this work onto others.
After returning from our trip, we decided to take our coaches on a three-day retreat to Ibiza. It was an opportunity to connect with them in person and spend quality time together, celebrating how far we had all come. We spent the weekend exploring the beautiful island, visiting beaches, and wandering through Ibiza Town. The trip culminated with a powerful drum ceremony at Es Vedra.
During this retreat, we discovered HOST's song: "Believe" by Cher. The song’s message resonated deeply with us, symbolizing the choice to embrace love again after loss—a reflection of the healing journey. The retreat also gave our coaches a chance to hold classes as a group, offering yoga, meditation, inner child healing, and journaling sessions. With such profound connection came raw vulnerability. We shed tears together, celebrated one another, and shared in this incredible journey called life.
For so many of us, the purpose of life often feels elusive. But the truth is, life is about finding ourselves. It’s about remembering who we are beneath the layers of pain, struggle, and human complexity. The purpose of life is to awaken to the magic of who we are—not just as human beings, but as spiritual beings too. This is the deeper truth and freedom we all seek, unlocking the internal doors to the paradise within us.
After returning home, it became clear how important it was to evolve HOST into a platform that offered not just deep healing but also a space for learning—both about our humanity and our spirituality. Through healing comes self-awareness, and as we grow in self-awareness, we awaken more deeply to the remembrance of God, or universal intelligence, as some may call it.
At the core of our teachings lies the foundation of the 7 Laws of Self-Transformation. We began to see more clearly that this system isn’t just for healing—it’s also a framework packed with wisdom that can empower others to truly transform lives. Over the next six months, I immersed myself in unpacking and co-creating the full coaches’ program, laying the groundwork for something truly transformative.
The next big step for HOST was attending our first major event, where we introduced HOST to the masses at the MSB Festival in London. Accompanying us were several of our dedicated coaches, and for the first time, we had the opportunity to dive deep and work with a large number of people over a four-day period.
Our stall was relentless, packed from open to close, as my team and I offered countless Reiki and coaching sessions to the public. The days were filled with tears, breakthroughs, and life-changing moments. The deep connection we’ve cultivated within ourselves allowed us to share this transformative energy with others. You see, the inner work we do creates a space where others feel safe, seen, and heard. In that space, people can sink deeper into themselves, opening the door for massive shifts to occur.
We don’t heal others directly; instead, we become the vessel—the safe space—through which others can access their own healing. When we operate from a place of deep healing, we emit a frequency of safety that encourages others to let go, process, and feel more deeply. It’s in this release that transformation happens.
It was during this event that I started to truly realize how much the world is hurting and how desperately this work is needed. I began to feel a profound collective grief—something I’ve come to recognise more deeply through working with so many people. Every day around 4 or 5 PM, I would need to pause for a moment. The weight of this collective sadness would wash over me, bringing temporary but intense waves of grief. While these moments were heavy, they also deepened my understanding of how vital this work is and how healing can create ripples of change in the world.
The show concluded after four unforgettable days. By the following week, our next program was full of new, beautiful souls—people I now proudly call my friends. Many of these incredible individuals first connected with us at our MSB stall, and over the past six months, I’ve had the privilege of working with them closely. Witnessing their growth and the profound shifts they’ve experienced since that event has been nothing short of remarkable.
With HOST growing at a speed I wasn’t fully prepared for, I was called into deeper expansion. I had to quickly learn how to hold everything together as HOST evolved into such an advanced platform for healing and development. Thankfully, along the way, we connected with some incredible individuals—from breathwork facilitators to our brilliant Quantum coach—and built a strong support network around us. At the helm of it all were my beautiful wife and me, but the message was clear: HOST was bigger than us.
Lauren and I could see that sustaining HOST wasn’t something we could do alone. HOST is now filled with shining lights—amazing people who help, support, and facilitate the growth of the platform. HOST isn’t just a business; it’s a way of life, a new vibration, and a collective awakening. As we roll into 2025, the momentum continues to grow, and HOST is becoming an integral part of the global shift toward a brighter, more connected future.
August arrived quickly, and what better way to celebrate my wife’s birthday than by hosting our first HOST festival at our own home? Lauren, with her incredible talent for planning and organizing events, created a three-day celebration. We hired beautiful bell tents and transformed our grounds into a stunning space for our community.
The festival was open to everyone in the HOST community, providing another opportunity for us all to come together and celebrate one another. On Friday, we kicked things off with music and a DJ. Saturday included a soulful cacao ceremony, and throughout the weekend, we enjoyed wholesome meals prepared by an on-site food truck. The festival was filled with meaningful moments: a dance ceremony, nature walks, volleyball games, and countless opportunities to connect deeply with one another.
It was incredible to witness how much HOST had grown and to feel the pride in what we were building. Looking around at the vibrant energy of the festival, it struck me just how special this journey has been. Even now, it continues to amaze me.
The festival ended, and Lauren and I took a moment to celebrate just how successful it had been. It had been a year of hard work, but the journey wasn’t over yet. In fact, we went on to attend three more events, including MSB in Birmingham, where Lauren and I spoke live on shadow work in front of a large audience. This experience confirmed for both of us that we are ready to take this even further next year—the stage is calling us. We also realized just how important it is to speak and hold space at these events, as they open doors for new souls to experience this life-changing work.
With such a busy year coming to a close, it was time to wind down. What better way to do that than with a Christmas party in London? We gathered with the beautiful souls we now call family, booking a stunning venue for one last celebration of the incredible year we’d had.
Looking back, I feel an overwhelming sense of pride for everyone who has been part of HOST. The team has given so much, and the results speak for themselves. As we step into a quieter moment to spend time with loved ones, one truth remains crystal clear: HOST is a life-changing gift, birthed through us from God. We cannot control where it goes; we can only support its momentum by continuing to give and serve it with dedication to humanity’s awakening and healing.
To everyone who has been a part of HOST, thank you from the bottom of my heart. The world is a little brighter, happier, and healthier because of you.
May you all have a wonderful Christmas, and we’ll see you in 2025—a year destined to bring rapid growth and transformation.
And to all the beautiful souls out there seeking something more, come and make HOST your home in 2025.
Much Love,