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The frequency of love

Writer's picture: Lauren & David CroninLauren & David Cronin

Love is such a beautiful word and holds many wonderful thoughts and feelings when we think about it. Still, love also holds many painful thoughts and feelings depending on our experience and understanding of the word we use so frequently in our lives. "I love you" is a phrase I use daily with my children, wife, myself and my life, but I want to bring a deeper understanding of the word love today in this blog because although we use the word so frequently and we use it interchangeably in happy and unhappy experiences; love is more than an experience. Love in truth is a reality, meaning the frequency of love; unconditional love is akin to heaven on earth. 

To understand this concept I'm presenting, let's look at another reality: fear. When we experience fear or the feelings of fear, we experience a reality of fear; most people actually live in fear, fear of death, fear of loss, fear of financial struggle, fear of losing loved ones, fear of illness etc. When we live in fear, we focus on things that continue to make us feel fear, so focusing on it makes us see more of it in our lives. When we live in fear, we see illness and cancer everywhere, we tune into terrible news outlets, we watch horror movies, we fight and argue with loved ones, we hold onto money and worldly possessions, we restrict and smother our children, we close off in our relationships, and we focus on the negatives within our lives. Fear is a frequency, and we see it in our lives when we focus on it. This is called the law of mirroring, and what we focus on, we amplify and attract. 

Let's use another example: shame. If we feel shameful, we will focus on things that amplify our shame; we will see our flaws and imperfections and criticise ourselves, our work and other people. We will try to hide ourselves and what we feel ashamed of. If we have a deep sense of shame, we will find ourselves living a lower quality of life; we might lack finances, and we might hide in addiction because if we feel shame, we will avoid being seen by others. Shame leads to isolation; it takes the zest out of life, which can cause us to stop looking after ourselves, again amplifying more things to be ashamed of. So fear, shame or whatever reality you experience gets mirrored back to you because what you focus on you amplify.

Your state of consciousness is how you perceive yourself and your life. This is what it means to co-create with the universe. You have your state of mind (your consciousness) and your reality (the world), which is your co-creation with the universe. Your world perfectly reflects your state of mind, and what you see "out there" reflects what you feel inside. It can sound a little mind-bending, but I'm hoping what I wrote above helps break down the understanding and concept a little more. That means frequency reflects reality, but our emotions dictate our frequency. The feeling of fear creates a reality of fear, and the feeling of shame creates a reality of shame, so emotions dictate frequency, and frequency dictates reality. The higher the frequency, the more beautiful the reality. Take fear, for example; fear can be worrying or dread and slows everything down; it pulls us into our mind where we go over potential problems and seniors that could play out; it stimulates our fight and flight, spikes our cortisol levels and causes us to feel fearful of the future. It stops us from being present to our loved ones and degrades the overall quality of our lives.

But how do we shift our reality to a better feeling one? Well, frequency dictates reality, and emotions dictate frequency, so what we need to shift to experience a more beautiful life is how we feel. This is where love comes in because love is a frequency that holds a more fulfilling reality. The reality of love holds many layers. For example, the first level of love would be acceptance and forgiveness because to accept and forgive is to let go, and that's a sign of self-love. To not hold on to what someone said and done is self-love. To forgive yourself for holding onto the pain is self-love; to forgive others is self-love. Acceptance and forgiveness open the door to a new reality. 

Acceptance can also be a powerful tool for healing shame and fear. For example, if I allow myself to go to the worst-case scenario of fear, which might be to lose my children, and I can accept that, then fear no longer holds power over me. Would it be easy? Hell no! It would be devastating, but I would allow myself the space to process it all, and although painful, I would deal with it should it happen. Shame, for example, if I were to go to the worst-case Saniro and everyone was to see how unwanted I've been by others, can I stand in that experience and be ok with the feelings it would bring up for me? Absolutely! The key to this practice is to allow ourselves to move into the undesirable outcome, fully experience what that might feel like, and then bring acceptance into it.

The key to this practice is to recognise that those emotional experiences are already in the body, even if they might not have happened to you yet. The key is, can I feel them fully and accept them? Most of what we focus on comes because we fear the reality of it. Still, if we get comfortable with going into that undesirable reality and feeling it, we no longer resist it, helping us shift frequency into one of more self-love and acceptance.

That's the first layer/level of love. Then, we can build on self-love and acceptance because the more we do it, the more we feel and embody that state. We then start to experience more peace in our lives and become more connected to life now; we become more present to our loved ones and the beauty of life all around us. We might enjoy the feeling of peace and what it feels like to start accepting ourselves. The more we accept our flaws, the more we accept others, and our relationships blossom. We start having more deep and meaningful conversations about love and life. 

As we grow in more love, acceptance and peace, we might move into an even deeper layer of love where we feel so much love for life that we feel creative, inspired and joyful. We start expressing ourselves; we have fun living out our days. We get so connected that we start creating new ideas and feel alive with the magic of creation; we get infused with creative energy and find ourselves in a profound expression of joy. Our lives are shifting because we are shifting. Our world is more evolved, active and alive because we are within. Opportunities are present, new people come into our lives, and we live entirely differently from 2, 3, or 5 years ago. When you look at your life, you see interconnection, joyful work, and meaningful relationships. You are alive and full of love. You're so focused on feeling good that life is abundant for you. 

Then, life might reveal an even deeper layer. In the sacred realm of oneness, you start to see that there is only me—no one other than you, just infinite expressions of you. You are life, not separate but one with and once you see that layer, you reach what one might call enlightenment. To truly enjoy your creation and to feel the power behind it that you are one with. This is the soul's final journey into the remembrance that you are the power behind life. Realising oneness opens the door to deeper, more profound insights and awakening. This is all just a dream, the power of life playing out an exploration of itself in all its beauty and wonder, and nothing is ever lost because nothing was ever real. It was just a dance, an expression of infinite love, the indestructible, indescribable intelligence of life playing a game of hide and seek with itself so it could remember and awaken to itself.

The question is, what reality are you playing out?

Much love 


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