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The Truth Of Manifestation

Writer's picture: Lauren & David CroninLauren & David Cronin

It's all spiritual woo-woo until it becomes real in your life. I see it so often: people talking about how everything spiritual is air fairy and how those involved have their heads up in the clouds. I mean, it is evident to anyone looking in from the outside how talks about interdimensional beings, tarot reading, crystals, and manifestation can all look a bit cuckoo.

So many people get called into the spiritual space, either looking for the answers or looking for some form of relief. Many of us find that relief, but sooner or later, most of us begin to see that relief is only temporary until that which brings us relief also brings us pain, and that's because so many of us get caught up and attached to the spaces we find ourselves in. We get attached to the outcome these spaces promise us; we get attached to a big juicy carrot that we can create our own lives; we can become abundant and attract anything we want.

Take, for instance, my wife and I; some people may look in and see our deep spiritual connection and how connected we are. We used to talk about a divine union and even referenced, at times, Adam and Eve, and again, although there's truth in it for the average human being, it is either pie in the sky or a hook of something better. This is the problem with spiritual communities and the spiritual industry; most of us are so ungrounded, out of balance and, funny enough, disconnected. There's also a considerable amount of emotional bypassing, where people use affirmations and the law of attraction to avoid the pain they feel in their lives.


Don't get me started on those that are all "light" and "only positive vibes" because that's all crap too. Just like most of the world is disconnected, the spiritual community is, too. I've seen countless times when people use spirituality to feel better about themselves and then get caught up in the promises that it brings. We worship others because they seem to have achieved everything we want; we get caught up in those living the dream life, and we get pulled into seeking otherworldly relationships.

It's easy to get misled in the spiritual community, and so many draws can hook us, mislead us, and disconnect us further from reality. This isn't a bashing or a thrashing of everyone in the spiritual space. It's just a redirecting and an understanding of the spiritual space. The hooks of enlightenment, twin flames, manifestation, and channelling all have their ground, but not when they are used as a form of escape from the true spiritual path.  

I will discuss the spiritual path in this blog, which brings about profound awareness of our natural state of being. You see how I used the word "natural", and I can even go one step further and use the word nature because natrul and nature are not otherworldly. They are very much grounded in the truth of who we are. Look around you. What do you find? Nature! Look at nature. What do you see? Everything being what it is! Trees being trees, birds being birds and the whole world around us acting from its natural state of being. Natural and nature go together, so whats so unnatural about human beings? How have we become so disconnected from our nature?

Have you seen how every living organism fits into the balance of the natural world? How nature is entirely one with itself? Have you ever noticed just how beautiful the world around us is? Now, I know you thought this was supposed to be a blog on spirituality and manifestation, but I'm aiming to bring about a deeper awareness of life and nature now. The reason why it's so important to see the birds and the bees, to smell the flowers, and to see the beauty all around you is because your recognition of that beauty is the recognition of the beauty within yourself. Any true awakening is the awakening into your true nature or natural state. To be one with life now and the recognition that you are not separate from it.

The true spiritual path is not to divine unions or manifesting your dream life; it's coming home to yourself. Most of us try to bypass our reality and get to the next one, but life doesn't work like that because what we see and feel gets reflected in the world around us. If we feel unhappiness, sadness, unsafety, loneliness, or lack, that gets reflected in our reality. When we can see our true nature or our natural state, which is to feel connected, whole and in harmony, that's what our realities reflect.

The world around you is always mirroring the world within you. So before you read on, stop for a moment and ask yourself this question. How does the world within me feel? What kind of emotions are present in my body? What is the overall theme or feeling playing out within? If you take a moment to check in, most of us find a sense of unhappiness, whether that be stress, frustration, worry, or tension. It all comes from an undercurrent of unhappiness. It's that sense of subconscious unhappiness that drives us to seek comfort in the world around us, and whether we find that in the spiritual community or any other community, most fail to see the undercurrent of emotions that drive us away from our centre. Our centre or balance is our connection to life now.

We all, deep down, desperately seek two primary desires. The first is relief from the undercurrent of pain we feel, and the second is connection not just to one another but, more importantly, the connection to ourselves, which is to life itself. Remember, the more we come home to ourselves, the more we come home to our nature, which is one with life around us. This is the secret to present-moment awareness, which is to be truly enlightened. But enlightenment is only to lighten the load of the human suffering we carry in our subconscious mind and physical body. Instead of trying to escape how we feel, we must head into how we feel and address it from the inside out. We need to awaken to how we feel and learn to process our emotions. Everything else we do is nothing more than a desperate attempt to overcome that subconscious pain we feel.

We can have everything the material world has to offer, but unless we can feel the goodness from moment to moment, we can never fully enjoy it. That's because we have to learn to feel the goodness of being alive, and that can only come from feeling the connection to our bodies and natural state.

Our natural state is to feel good. Look at nature around you. The birds are chirping, and the bees are buzzing; there is no unhappiness, just the flow of life, which brings about the joyous harmony of life. Your natural state is joy, peace, contentment and love. Let's not confuse it: human nature is unhappiness when disconnected from our natural state. Have you noticed how life on the planet is in a constant state of expansion? How creative is life? The array of colours, breeds, species, plants, and stars is bloody magical, and that's because you are magical; only we lose the magic of life when we lose the connection within ourselves. There is no secret to creating your dream life other than learning to feel and process what you're feeling; that's it.

You don't need an enlightened master to tell you that; you need an enlightened master to reflect to you what you have forgotten. Enlightened people only reflect your enlightenment, and an enlightened person is only enlightened because they have passed through the realm of human emotions and can guide you back home to yourself.

Everything else you could dream of will come to you once you take ownership of how you feel because when you love yourself unconditionally, the world around you will reflect that. Don't get caught up in the golden carrot that pulls you away from the truth. Yes, you can find a natural union with the opposite polarity, and yes, you can have your abundance, but that's only because it's your natural state. The work will always be within yourself and healing your shadow, and please don't ever let anyone lead you astray. 

The only thing that will ever stop you from returning to your natural state is the realm of human emotion that most of us are hell-bent on overcoming. Take a moment out of your life and create space to practice your healing. All the goodness you want to feel and receive will be on the other end of that process.

Much Love


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Jun 21, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

An interesting and informative read. I completely agree with you about the spiritual community, how it can be all about love 'n' light and airy fairy hippie trippy although that also has it's place just not all the time. People have forgotten how to be in their bodies and that is what is needed to have a full human experience. When you come into the body then you can reach true enlightenment.

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I couldn't agree more with you! Getting into the body and learning to feel and process our emotions will always be the basis for all spiritual awakenings.

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